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I Will Be the God of All of the Families

Shiloh International Missions

Jeremiah 31:1

Sermon by Huisun Abraham Park - 2nd Service, May 6, 2007

Is God the God of your family?

Our Pyungkang Orchestra and Choir are 400 plus strong and as the orchestra sings the praises; all of the darkness is trembling and running away. May is the month of family and God is the God of all Israel and their families. Is God the God of your family? If He cannot become the God of that family then there is no light in that family. Jesus was hung on the cross and ripped for our sins. He shed His blood on the cross for our sins and He is the first born from the dead and has first place in everything (Col 1:18). Jesus had no sins however He took upon the sins that we had so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21).

The True Church is the Family of God

Those who believe in God are not strangers or aliens, but one family of God. However, those who do not believe; their families are different. Gentiles cannot be apart of this family unless they are one.Therefore, our church is a family of faith and love, and when it begins likes that, it can be a true church. The church has to become a family where God is present.

God’s Family Must Guard the Garden

The first family of God was totally broken, and there was no peace and Adam and Eve lost the love of God. They lost the spiritual image of God. When God made man in His own image, man was perfect without blemish and they had abundance of everything! The first command that God gave was to keep the garden (Gen 2:15). The reason for this charge is so that no one will come in. Thus God commanded Adam to reign, rule, and guard the Garden of God, however; they could not guard it and Satan came in. As a result, Adam’s sin was a ground with thorns and thistles. Thus, a family without God has thorns and thistles. Satan totally ripped away Job’s family and he lost all of his possessions, his wife ran away, and he was talked about. However, Job’s heart was not separated from God because he had true faith, and received a double fold blessing (Job 42:10). When Satan attacks God’s family and that family becomes broken, the nation would also become broken as well. This is why God’s Family must guard and keep God’s Garden. This teaches us that the family is very important and, Satan is jealous of that. Satan wants to break families apart, so that they won’t come out to church and he seduces them.

It starts with the Family

The church of Philippi started with a family. In our church, it started with six families. When Jesus came to this earth He was born to a family but will become the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be His People (Jer 31:1). The family is the birth or cradle of the Word and if the families are happy then it is a blessed family. It starts with the family; however God has to be the owner of that family.

Conclusion: The families of God have to come together and have the joy of the Lord and be in His presence.We have to forgive each other of our sins, just like God forgave us (Matt 18:35). We must pray as a family, worship as a family, and fellowship together as a family. God’s Families are the people that the nations need in order that the Word of God is proclaimed so that many will be led to salvation. The Bible says in 2 Tim 3:15-16; “The sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, for all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Therefore, in our families, may God Himself by the owner!



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