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Let Us Truly Sing the "New Song" in the New Year

Shiloh International Missions

Updated: Aug 24, 2020

Shiloh Sunday Service (January 13th 2019)

Speaker: Evangelist Eric Burton

Sermon: "Let Us Truly Sing the 'New Song' in the New Year"

Scripture Reading: Exodus 15:1; Revelation 15:3

God Delivers Israel from Egypt

The Israelites witnessed a great and majestic scene in history when God delivered His people from the bondage of slavery and drowned Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea and completely destroyed Egypt. It was on that very day, Moses and the Israelites gave thanks for the grace of God that delivered them from Egypt, and with one heart and one voice over 2 million people sang the song of true freedom (Exod 15:1-18). This “new song” the Israelites sang after crossing the Red Sea is referred to as “the song of Moses” however, it is also known as the “new song” in the perspective of redemptive history (Rev 15:3).

The Covenant of the Torch fulfilled in the “new song”

The song of Moses performed by Israel after the exodus from Egypt is known as the “new song” because it was sung during the historical moment of the fulfillment of the Covenant of the Torch. The promise made to Abraham in the Covenant of the Torch was prophesied 636 years prior to the great exodus from Egypt. God said to Abraham that his people would be enslaved and oppressed in a land that is not theirs for 400 years but that He would bring them out with many possessions (Gen 15:12-14). Therefore, the consummation of the Israelites’ exodus was the moment when the covenant – that had been mentioned only in words 636 years ago came to be fulfilled. That makes the event of the Exodus a “new era” for the Israelites therefore; the song that the Israelites sang at that moment had to be a “new song.”

A new beginning in the “new song”

The “song of Moses” is known as a “new song” because it was sung during the new beginning. This new beginning ensured that their past wouldn’t be remembered through a complete exodus (completed forgotten). When the Israelites saw the dead bodies of the Egyptians on the sea shore, this was a visible confirmation that not only was their past not remembered but that their oppressors were likewise destroyed (Exod 14:27-28, 30). Secondly, God completely removed the old calendar that they had been using for 430 years in Egypt and established a new calendar from the time of the exodus. This new calendar was God’s rapid reformation that proclaimed the elimination of the past and marked the beginning of a new start. God said to the Israelites, “This month shall be the beginning of the months for you; and the first month of the year” (Exod 12:2). Therefore, God instituted a holy calendric system in order to remember the Israelites “rebirth” as God’s children. And because the song was sung by His newly born children, this song was a “new song.”

History of Redemption and the “new song”

The “song of Moses” is known as a “new song” because the song penetrates through the history of redemption. God who led the Israelites through the Red Sea and the exodus will carry out the same work of salvation in the end times as well. Therefore, the song of Moses is not just a song of old but a song that penetrates through the History of Redemption. The Word of God states that in the end-time a group of special people will be able to sing the “new song.” Who are this special people and why do we need to learn it? First, they are the 144,000 and the only ones who will be able to sing this “new song.” Secondly, they will have both the name of the Son and His Father’s name written on their foreheads. And thirdly, this 144,000 will stand with Jesus Christ on Mount Zion (Rev 14:1-2). It is Christ Himself who will bring the “new song” and teach it to those standing with Him on Mount Zion. This “new song” does not signify music but the “Word of God” and He Himself will proclaimed and teach it at the end (Rev 19:12-13). Those standing with Christ in the end will have “immoveable steadfast faith” (Psa 125:1). This means they will trust in God completely and sing praises (Psa 57:7).

Conclusion: Mount Zion represents the Church of Jesus Christ in the end times and is referred to as the highest mountain in the world and Chief Mountain in the last days. And because it is the Church of Jesus Christ, the highest and the most exalted Word of God is proclaimed and all nations will stream to it in the last days (Isa 2:2-3). Today, as saints of God we must fill ourselves with redemptive history and it must dwell abundantly in our hearts so that we can sing the “new song.” But In order to receive and sing this “new song” which Christ Himself will bring, our hearts must change. Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:6-9) and that new wine foreshadows the “New Word” that our Lord will bring in the end time. So as believers who have been redeemed through Jesus Christ the Lamb, let us receive and continually sing the new song until the conclusion and fulfillment of the history of redemption and be victorious with Christ in the end (Rev 15:2-3). May we be able to truly sing the “new song” in this new year of 2019 and proclaim redemptive history to all the nations.

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