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Keep Your White Garments

Shiloh International Missions

Updated: Jan 27, 2024

Shiloh Sunday Service (4th February 2018)

Speaker: Missionary Joanna Pae

Sermon: "Keep Your White Garments"


Warning to the churches

In the Book of Revelation, God speaks to seven churches of the end-time which is the last-days. The message of keeping your white garments is given only to two of these seven churches. Jesus refers to one of the two churches as the “Dead Church.” He says to the church of Sardis; “I know that you have a name that you are alive but you are a dead church (Rev 3:1). Jesus also says to the church of Laodicea; “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot but lukewarm (Rev 3:15-16). To both of these churches, Jesus warns them and says; “Get your white garments” and make sure when I come that your nakedness and shame is not found. Therefore, cover yourselves with the white garment (Rev 16:15).

Origin of the white garment

The Garden of Eden is a picture of God’s house. It was here in God’s garden the first man and woman were naked but they had no “shame” (Gen 2:25). In the Book of Revelation Jesus warned the churches that their nakedness and shame should be covered and not found. However, in the original world Adam and Eve were naked and were not ashamed. Adam and Eve were to “keep” and “cultivate” God’s garden and serve Him (Gen 2:15). However, they listed and served the voice of the serpent and took of the forbidden fruit and their eyes opened and they realized their nakedness and covered themselves with loin coverings (Gen 3:7). These figs leaves did not last long due to the sun light therefore, God made garments of skin and covered Adam and Eve and removed them from the Garden, which is the fall (Gen 3:21, 23-24).

Priestly Garments

The Hebrew word for “garment” is כֻּתֹּ֫נֶת (kethoneth). This same word is also found in the “priestly garment” which is the very basic clothing for the priests who served God called a “tunic” (Exod 28:39). The “tunic” is a long covering garment that covers all the way to your wrist and down to the ankle.

Joshua and the filthy garments

A priest named Joshua stood before the Lord wearing garments that were filthy and Satan stood at the right hand of Joshua the priest to accuse him (Zech 3:2). The filthy garments that Joshua wore signify his unfaithfulness towards God. However, God rebukes Satan even though Satan’s accusations against Joshua are correct! God commands that Joshua’s filthy garments be removed from him and that he is given a “festal robe” and a clean turban for his head (Zech 3:4-6). This teaches us that God by his unexplainable sovereign grace took away and covered Joshua’s filth which is his iniquities and placed on him clean garments. Joshua the priest did nothing to deserve the clean garments but because God had chosen him God forgave him (Zech 3:2). This is why David confessed; “How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psa 32:1). Joshua’s works were not required in order to receive God’s blessings (Rom 4:6-7). This is the atoning grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Once we receive this type of blessing God will give to us special privileges and access to do things at His house (Zech 3:7). This teaches us that God is going to allow Joshua who has received the “festal robe” free access to wherever God’s presence is for righteousness has been declared upon Joshua meaning that he has no more sin and now has free access to the Garden of Eden which is the original way.

The Stone

God shows this great vision of a stone that is placed in front of Joshua the priest and upon this stone was seven eyes which represents the eyes and spirits of God (Josh 3:9). God says on this day; “I will wipe away all of the iniquity of the land in one day.” Here, God is prophesying and says He will wipe away all sin just as He has done with Joshua in one day. This one “day” has actual come, and is the “day” that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and wiped away all the sins of mankind once and for all. Like Joshua, we don’t deserve to be here because we too have filthy garments however; God says that He has already put upon us the garment (Eph 1:7). This is why God says to keep your garments, cherish them and keep them “white.”

What is the Garment?

Those who are baptized into Christ have clothed themselves with Christ (Gal 3:27). Although this garment is invisible those who believe are wearing the most expensive garment in the world which is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Conclusion: One can tell what you do by the clothes you wear. Joshua wore a priestly garment and priests live in the house of God, they serve God, and keep God’s house which is the church in these end-times. God prophesied and said He was going to create a race of people who serve as His priests, the Levites, His ministers, His servants who will be with Him in His house forever (Isa 61:6). Thus, God has a chosen generation of people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and His own special people that will praise Him (1 Peter 2:9).

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