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Dr. Bruce K. Waltke
Renowned Old Testament scholar, Professor Emeritus of Regent College

“I ask all churches and ministers to listen to Abraham Park!”

“My hope for a time of crisis for the churches of the gospel is that they set Rev. Abraham Park’s ministerial philosophy and Pyungkang Cheil Church as their model.”

(Aug. 8-12, 2013, Invitational Lecture at Pyungkang Cheil Presbyterian Church’s Summer Conference)

Dr. Warren A. Gage
Professor Emeritus of Knox Theological Seminary

“Dr. Abraham Park’s life work in the History of Redemption series draws deeply from the wellsprings of his deep reformed faith. There is no concept that so marks the reformed pastor more than his commitment to the covenant theology. Dr. Park’s life and ministry demonstrate his thorough commitment to everything that is central and crucial to reformed and confessional theology.”

Dr. Luder Whitlock
Former President of Knox Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary

“What really strikes me the most is his sensitivity to the will of God and God’s guidance. He doesn’t want to do anything unless he believes that is what God wants him to do. To me, that is great.”

Dr. Douglas F. Kelly
Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

“The Lord has granted Dr. Park great insight into His Word, after a lifetime of reading and consecration to Him. He sees beneath the surface; tie many truths together, and have- I believe- perceived the mind of the Lord, who inspired the Word. His writings will be instructive and edifying for generations to come. Praise His name for him!”

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